Hoopster 2019

Hoopster is the official introductory event of the Sports Management Team which kick-starts an exciting and breathtaking series of events organized throughout the year.

Hoopster is a half court 3 vs 3 basketball tournament, played with the usual basketball rules.

To encourage participation the team structure was designed in such a way that one member from MBA 2 and one female player were mandatory in every team.

The main idea behind this event was to start the ice-breaking between the two batches.
MBA 1 made full use of this opportunity and made sure they interacted and made friends with their batchmates and seniors.

Prior to the event, buzz events were also planned where the Sports Management Team went to the classrooms of MBA 1 students and engaged them in some fun activities and made them understand the role of sports and fitness in their lives and especially during their college tenure.

Hoopster was held over 4 days from 11th to 14th July. A total of 33 teams comprising of 99 participants took part in this event. The participants were great sports, playing even during light rainfall. The rains tried to play a spoilsport but the efficient and quick response and execution of the Sports Management Team made sure that the event finished well in time and was a huge success.

The competition was won by the team consisting of Nishchhal Shrestha (MBA 2), Pooja Kharat (MBA 2) and Suryarau RVKM (MBA 1). The event was concluded with the felicitation of the winners and runners up by the interim team of the SMT.