Title: Two Decades of Digital Transformation in Business - A Review and Research Agenda

Authors: Ashish Saxena, V.V. Ravi Kumar
Journal: International Journal of Business Information Systems
Publication date: Forthcoming
Publisher: Inderscience
URL: click here


Digital transformation (DT) has emerged as an important concept that stimulates several academic research streams and influences practice. The literature regarding DT is still evolving. This literature review aims to establish a greater understanding of DT through examining the fragmented and diverse academic literature on this concept. Based on a systematic review of academic research works of the past two decades, this study provides rich insights into the fundamental understanding of DT. Out of 1,092 identified studies, 130 were selected for a detailed review. The findings suggest that the industry should adapt its business strategies to the changing digital landscape, among other initiatives. The study reveals that there is more to DT than just investing in new technologies. This review should contribute greatly to future exploration as it expands the literature by identifying the need for further research in the area and defines the research agenda for future researchers.