Title: Self-help group–bank linkage programme: Loan disbursement of SHG bank in Madhya Pradesh

Authors: Haldhar Sharma; Sunil Mishra; Bhuvanesh Kumar Sharma

Journal: International Journal of Health Sciences Vol. 6 No. S3

Publication date: 2022

Publisher: Sciencescholar.us

URL: click here


In the rural and urban areas Self-Help Group–Bank Linkage Programme (SHG–BLP) was introduced to provide banking services to poor people. The present study analyses the loan disbursement of SHG for the last two decades. The research used the time-series data of SHG. The data was acquired from a secondary source, and the investigation is descriptive and analytical (NABARD). The obtained data were subjected to trend analysis. In the study, it was observed that the number of SHGs with commercial and regional rural banks are increasing. In contrast, SHGs affiliated with cooperative banks are declining. The loan disbursement amount increases for SHGs related to commercial and regional rural banks while it declines for cooperative banks. The analysis revealed that the numbers of SHGs are growing in Madhya Pradesh, and the loan disbursement amount is also increasing significantly over the study period.