Title:Explaining Women Entrepreneurship in Bhutan: An Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis. Year: Forthcoming

Authors: Madhura Bedarkar, Yogesh Brahmankar, Tenzin Rabgay, Kinley Yangdon
Journal:International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Small Business
Publication date: Forthcoming
Publisher: Inderscience Publishers
URL: click here


The study explores the experience of women entrepreneurs in the unorganized sector of Himalayan Kingdom of Bhutan. Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis was used to discover the experiences of the women entrepreneurs and twelve super-ordinate themes were drawn. It is found that the motivational factors to take up entrepreneurship varied from having to support family to taking up entrepreneurship as career option due to low education. Access to finance; work-family conflict; fragmented and saturated markets; lack of infrastructural support; difficulty in hiring employees are some of the challenges faced. The findings are mostly consistent with similar previous studies conducted in the region. The Study proposes that sector-specific micro-finance schemes and a collaborative network of government and non-government organizations would help in addressing the challenges faced by women entrepreneurs. This research is among the initial studies conducted in Bhutan pertaining to women entrepreneurship and in particular using IPA to explore the in-depth experiences of the women entrepreneurs.