Title: Examining the role of technology leadership on knowledge sharing behaviour Year: 2018

Authors: Anugamini Priya Srivastava and Yatish Joshi
Journal: International Journal of Knowledge Management (IJKM)
Publication date: 2018
Publisher: IGI Global
URL: click here


The purpose of this article is to examine the role of technology leadership in knowledge-sharing behaviour through the intervening role of internet self-efficacy and information technology support for knowledge management. The sample for the study was taken from randomly selected hotels operating in different regions of Uttarakhand, India. The findings suggest that the positive relationship between group-level technology leadership and individual level knowledge sharing behaviour. Further, the results indicated that IT support for knowledge management moderates the mediating role of internet self-efficacy such that when IT support for knowledge management is high, the effect of internet self-efficacy on knowledge sharing behaviour improves. The study adds value to knowledge management and leadership literature and provides a way to encourage knowledge sharing behaviour in the service-oriented industry.