Title: Examining the role of celebrity credibility in the consumption of organic products in a developing nation: a pragmatic evidence from India

Authors: Omvir Gautam, Pooja Agrawal and Bhuvanesh Kumar Sharma

Journal: International Journal of Technology Transfer and Commercialisation Vol. 18, No. 3

Publication date: 2021

Publisher: Inderscience

URL: click here


The present article explores consumer desire for purchasing and consumption of organic products in developing nations like India. The theory of planned behaviour (TPB) model has been incorporated with celebrity credibility. This study also includes constructs like celebrity credibility, desire, intentions to purchase a part of TPB elements in measurement model. In this study convenience sampling was employed for 196 consumers, who purchased organic products. Analysis explained that subjective norms, attitude and perceived behavioural control, celebrity credibility had a pivotal impact on users' desire to purchase the organic products. Moreover, frequency of previous purchase behaviour and desire of consumers played a meaningful role in influencing on consumers' intentions. The study supports the incorporation of celebrity construct as a pivotal factor along with TPB model which further improved suitability of the conceptual model for consumers' desires. The limitation of the current study is that only Indian consumers were considered. Moreover, futuristic researchers may incorporate hedonic needs with variable celebrity credibility for buying organic products.