Title: Editorial Inclusive higher education in cross-cultural settings

Authors: Srivastava, A., Agarwal, S., Ganapathy, M.
Journal: International Journal of Educational Management
Publication date: 2022
Publisher: Emerald
URL: click here


With each passing day, the composition of students in higher education institutions is becoming diverse (Fabricius et al., 2017). Students from various socio-economic backgrounds, physical disabilities and ethnicity are joining mainstream education (Betancourt et al., 2000; Burkhardt and Bennett, 2015). Based on UNICEF for “Education for All” and “inclusive education” policies, equal opportunities for all students have increased. And there are vast chances that these demographic changes will increase proportionately, with acknowledgement of individual differences and more awareness of the relevance of education in individual and nations' growth. This forecast calls for an education system that serves all students with the same level of knowledge and skills deliveries and requires policymakers and practitioners with stakeholders (teachers, staff) to contribute towards the effective implementation of inclusive education (Jayakumar, 2008).