Title: Authentic Leadership and Extra Role Behavior: a School Based Integrated Model Year: 2017

Authors: Anugamini Priya Srivastava & Rajib Lochan Dhar
Journal: Current Psychology
Publication date: 2017
Publisher: Springer
URL: click here


The study attempts to analyse the effect of authentic leadership on extra role behavior through the mediating role of academic optimism. This study further examines the moderating role of perception of training comprehensiveness in altering the relationship between academic optimism and extra role behavior. The data for the study was collected from dyad of school teachers and their immediate principals working in primary schools of Uttar Pradesh, India. Hierarchical linear modelling and confirmatory factor analysis were adopted to analyse the hypotheses and model fit respectively. The results supported the hypotheses and proposed positive influence of authentic leadership on extra role behavior through the partial mediation of academic optimism. The results also supported moderating role of training comprehensiveness in strengthening the link between academic optimism and extra role behavior. Further, the study provides relevant implications findings of this study can have on school teachers extra role behavior and the whole psychological process.