Title: A study to explore the linkage between green training and sustainable organizational performance through emotional intelligence and green work life balance

Authors: Deshpande, P., Srivastava, A.P.
Journal: European Journal of Training and Development
Publication date: 2022
Publisher: Emerald
URL: click here


Purpose: This study aims to review the role of green training and green work life balance (GWLB) on sustainable organizational performance (SOP) with a moderating variable “Emotional Intelligence” (EI). Design/methodology/approach For the development of the construct of the present study, a Scopus database was selected and research papers published in indexed journals were considered. Relevant keywords were selected and literature was searched on green training, EI, SOP, GWLB. The literature was reviewed to find out the linkage and possibility of development of integrated model. The main focus was on highlighting the relevance of green training on GWLB and its influence on SOP.