Title:A Study on Relevance of Voters Education through SAP-LAP Inquiry

Authors: Shubhanshu Naik, Dr. Mallika Srivastava and Poornima Tapas
Journal: International Journal of Applied Business and Economic Research
Publication date: 2017
Publisher: International Journal of Applied Business and Economic Research
URL: click here


Voter education programs equip citizen with relevant information to citizens to exercise their voting rights. Since, a significant proportion of voters are less either less educated or uneducated in India. The purpose of this paper is to explore need and relevance of voter education in India. This will make voters' informed and motivated for ethical participation. The present study is based on extensive review of extant literature by authors and Appreciative Inquiry [AI]. Furthermore, authors tested the relevance of voters' education using situation–actor–process and learning–action–performance [SAP-LAP] technique of enquiry. The study findings proposed the design of formal training modules for voters to aware about political system, their voting rights and to make rational choice. In order to reduce the induced high risk of bias and to further strengthen the study findings, these findings need to be further validated using various methods including empirical ones.