A Study on Effectiveness of Communication in Employee MotivationYear: 2019 |
Sunaina Chetan Kuknor
AbstractAchieving success in workplace is closely associated with the ability to communicate effectively, both in the workplace and with outsiders. Unlike in the past, today we face a highly volatile world where everything is in a state of flux. Most of the changes associated with transformation revolve around the processing and communication of information. On the other hand, Motivation is an organization's life-blood. To be effective, managers need to understand what motivates employees within the context of the roles they perform. Of all the functions a manager performs, motivating employees is arguably the most complex. This is due, in part, to the fact that what motivates employees changes constantly. A motivated employee is a high performing and industrious one. The immediate superiors have to realize the importance of communication in motivating them. There are certain factors like monetary benefits, bonus and incentives and other benefits like medical facilities, housing loan facilities, etc that motivate them. But nevertheless, these are transitory in nature. According to psychologists, a human being is well motivated when he is appreciated and acknowledged for his good work. Hence, communication has assumed a greater status in the corporate circle. This is power of communication in Motivation.