International Conference
On behalf of the Symbiosis International (Deemed University), a two day "International Conference on Advances in Business Management" hosted at Symbiosis Institute of Business Management, Lavale-Pune on December 14 & 15, 2018.
Designed to bring together a galaxy of academicians and practitioners on one platform, the main objective of this conference is to turn the spotlight on current and future advances in business management ideas and practices.
to understand issues and challenges in the research in the field of business and management from around the world.
to draw some guidelines that can be useful in approaching the concept of the business model in a well-structured way, providing an in-depth investigation of the various research streams and perspectives.
to disseminate knowledge and share experience in dealing with advances in business and management.
to understand appropriate and effective strategies in dealing with opportunities, threats, and challenges in business management amidst fast changing environmental concerns.
to provide an opportunity to sponsoring organizations and practitioners gain actionable insights through discussions with renowned panelists.
to create an opportunity for researchers to publish their research papers in highly reputed scholarly indexed journals without much waiting time.
The Conference contains sessions chaired by a cohort of stalwarts in various verticals of Management. It promises to be an intellectually stimulating experience to the attendees. Together we can make a difference towards a world of Management 3.0 that is redefining innovation, leadership, and management. So, come join us and share your ideas in this event.
Keynote Speakers
Jacob Dahl Rendtorff
Dr. scient. adm.(doctor scientiarum administrationis), Ph.D, Mag. art. & Diplom Pol. Lektor (MSK), Senior Associate Professor, Institute for Samfundsvidenskab og Erhverv Department of Social Sciences and Business Roskilde University, Denmark
Prof. Dr. Koen Vandenbempt
Chairman Department of Management, University of Antwerpen, Faculty of Applied Economics Dept. Management - Belgium
Dr. Meenakshi Rishi
Professor of Economics at Seattle University, Director of the International Development Internship Program at SU
Dr. Niranjan Chipalkatti
Professor of Accounting at Seattle University, Chair of the Department of Accounting at Seattle University
Academic Partners

Roskilde University
Management and Organization Research Group Denmark

Seattle University
Albers School of Business & Economics Seattle University

Newcastle University London

Carleton University
Sprott School of Business Ottawa- Canada

Aston India Center For Applied Research, Aston University
For more details visit