Title : Analysis of Global River Restoration Experiences: Learnings and Policy Measures in the Indian ContextYear: 2018

Authors: Madhura Bedarkar, Urvashi Gill Dhingra, Mahima Mishra, Santosh Gopalkrishnan
Journal: Asian Journal of Water, Environment and Pollution
Publication date: January 2018
Publisher: IOS Press
URL: click here


A majority of rivers across the globe are severely impacted due to human-induced activities. As a response to this challenge, river restoration efforts have been undertaken worldwide to rejuvenate and restore rivers to their natural state. India is no exception to this. This paper discusses river restoration programmes undertaken across the world to draw learning for river restoration in India. It also presents a critical analysis of river restoration in India, with specific reference to three case studies. The method adopted for this study is benchmarking based on literature review on global river restoration experiences, supported by structured expert interviews.